Are you thinking of founding a company based upon that big idea or discovery? Have you already started a company, but would like to make certain you are as prepared as you can be. The Startup Series is for you. 

Over eight weeks, the Startup Series will provide you with a background in and some experience with “the nuts and bolts” of starting, funding, and managing a scalable company. Topics we will cover include founding & incorporation, intellectual property, staging risk, and fundraising.

Sessions will be interactive and even case-based — no talking heads (except for THE Talking Heads), so anticipate some prep work and having some skin in the game. 

When: Wednesdays from 4PM until 5:15PM EST, starting October 02
Where: 225 E Main St, second floor (with field trips on some dates)


02 OCTOBER - Anatomy of a Startup?

Let's get this series started with a Startup Pitch, and a discussion of what the ingredients of a pitch tell us about the ingredients of a compelling startup.


Chen, J. A warm embrace that saves lives. (video)

09 OCTOBER - Starting Up & Staging Risk

How does a company "start" and how does ownership take shape for the founders? How do founders and investors “tease out” the risk/uncertainties along the way, and how do their respective ownership stakes change? The early history of the relationship between Genentech and VC Kleiner Perkins will provide the story supporting our discussion.

16 OCTOBER - Founding Teams and Functioning

Our job for today's discussion is to gain some insight into the challenges that can emerge among founding teams as they attempt to agree—at the birth of the company—upon key issues such as: (1) roles & responsibilities, (2) respective ownership interests in the company, and (3) decision-making if times get tough—such as, if one of the founders leaves the company.

23 OCTOBER - The Patent Process

So you wanna patent something, do ya! Managing expectations, the patent process can take years to navigate with a range of decision points along the way. Let's discuss, and bring in some experts.

30 OCTOBER - The Funding Landscape

What are the differences among angel investors, seed funds, venture capitalists? Not to mention, what different types of capital can these individuals and organizations provide? How might the funding landscape for the commercialization of science be different from that for other startup companies?

06 NOVEMBER - The Grant Funding Landscape

Virginia offers its own network of grant programs to support early-stage and growing companies. Let's get to know these opportunities.

13 NOVEMBER - Investor Terms & Conditions

The "derisking" of early stage fundraising also involves a wide variety of opportunities and protections found in the term sheets agreed upon between founders and investors. We will return to the story of Genentech and Kleiner Perkins to understand how these terms impact both founders and investors as the company grows and in the event of an exit.

20 NOVEMBER - Exit. Stage Left